Wellell Continuous Positive Airway Pressure-iX Series
Product/Service Description
iX Series
Simplifying CPAP therapy experience for OSA ”X Connecting users to self and remote-monitoring and improving sleep quality.
Approximately 425 million people worldwide require clinical intervention for severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) but, often goes undiagnosed and untreated. The number continues to climb with the growth of obesity and sedentary lifestyle, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease-related morbidity and mortality and loss in quality of life.1,2 For patients, the cost of treating OSA involves paying 1.9 times more for cardiovascular medication, 2.7 times more for hypertension medication, 50% more in hospitalization days, 2.63 times more days-off-work, 20% decrease in performance, and increase in fees for accidents, injuries, and additional personal compensations.3 iX Series's auto-detection for user breathing behavior, SleepWell app for self and telemedicine monitoring, small footprint, and intuitive user interface makes adopting ongoing continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment for OSA easy and quick for users to see improvement in therapy outcomes

     Wellell Inc.
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