Cloud community interactive community information management system
Product/Service Description
Build a cloud community - build a networked "interactive WEB message management service system "
High-quality property management services are the key to the sustainable operation and value enhancement of the community . One of the keys to the success of the smart community system is to provide a set of community information management systems for property management personnel. Each touch integration platform can directly read community announcements, important event information and parcel registration notice ... etc. , In addition to improving the quality and efficiency of community services , it can also create a paperless community in line with the spirit of environmental protection .
Intelligence community interactive WEB Information Management System Department of Community intranet system as a transmission backbone, providing a "community in the control room (disaster prevention center) cloud community _ interactive WEB message management server " and provide property management staff dedicated graphical control software, so that community bulletin or message notification truly digitized, tenants can touch integrated platform for interactive web browsing queries community bulletin through the home, notify the community heavy to record messages and other activities ... or even can directly query one week The weather forecast, the weather of the day in major cities at home and abroad, and community public electricity information ... etc. , In addition to the ease of use by all members of the home, it also allows community property management services to be closely integrated with the lives of households!
The cloud community interactive community information management system mainly provides the following functions:
(1) Authority management mechanism for community managers
(2) Provide a WEB interactive operation interface for property management personnel , and directly deliver intimate services to each resident through integration with each household's touch screen host :
Community announcement
Personal notification
Mail package registration and notification
Emergency information release
Gas monthly-amount Key-in
Community opinion voting function
Network status detection and disconnection management
(3) Living weather station:
Local day weather
Local one-week weather forecast
Today's weather of major cities in Taiwan (5 cities)
Meteorological day of major cities in China (5 cities)
Global weather of the major cities in the world (5 cities)
(4) Mobile version _ cloud smart community WEB website [optional items, the cost is extra; the community must complete the external Internet settings before it can be activated]
This system provides community information service distal Gordon recorded WEB site , residents can take advantage of the Tablet PC or smart phone anytime, anywhere to understand community dynamics and important notice, communities and households no longer have the distance!
(5) Home security management software and graphic control interface:
Through a simple and easy-to-understand graphical interface, the management staff can monitor the status of each home security alarm, if there is any abnormality, it will immediately display and issue an alarm reminder.
Historical record query and report export

     TouchLife Technology Co., Ltd.
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