Company Page

SGS Taiwan Ltd


About us

SGS Taiwan Ltd. Take orders for different kinds of testing services, system/ service / product certification, commodity / Industrial Inspection, verification, professional training.. Our experts offer a complete range of services to manufacturers, importers, exporters and retailers of consumer products. Our services include laboratory testing, product inspection and consulting, process assessment and technical assistance.
We help you to reduce risk, improve efficiency and ensure compliance with contractual or regulatory requirements throughout your supply chain. We provide you with a broad and detailed understanding of consumer goods and retailing to help you build a stronger and more resilient business with the potential to grow and surpass your competition.
Our services are available globally for consumer products, such as textiles, footwear, hardware, AV & IT & household products, and electrical and electronic goods¡Ketc

Service plan

SGS Group established Far East Ltd. Taiwan Branch in 1952, and set up branches in Taipei, Keelung and Kaohsiung. In order to meet the needs of domestic industrial upgrading and internationalization. SGS Taiwan Ltd. was established in 1991 to cope with the expansion of professional testing and technical services. In 2016, SGS CCSRF was merged into SGS Taiwan., Ltd. providing more complete electronic and electrical services in Taiwan.
SGS plays an important role in the economic growth of Taiwan, by assisting manufacturers to expand their export with improved quality and to ensure compliance to Government rules and regulations. SGS Taiwan will continuously contribute to the economic development of Taiwan in future, through our high professional expertise.

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