Company Page

AI Clerk International Co., LTD.


About us

Most of the team members of AI Clerk International Co., LTD. came from the CITC of the Industrial Technology Research Institute. We specialize in natural language processing, semantic understanding, text mining, machine learning and deep learning in the field of artificial intelligence.
Our information technology team has over 20 years strong technical strength and practical experience, and has been recognized in many domestic and foreign competitions. For example, 2021 National Innovation Award-Enterprise Innovation Award(Smart Health Technology Category). 2021, 2020 Smart City Summit & Expo, 2018 ITmonth (from about 400 ICT products), IJCNLP 2017, 2016 AESW, 2016 SemEval, 2016 MEICHU HACK and so on. Our technical achievements have successively triggered hundreds of reports in Taiwan, Japan, USA and China media.

Service plan

We use natural language processing, semantic understanding, machine learning, deep learning, cloud computing and big data in the field of artificial intelligence to help enterprises solve various operational pain points.

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